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Nyasha Mboti, “Closing the Loophole: Apartheid Studies”

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Professor Mhoze Chikowero invites all to attend a special guest lecture by Dr. Nyashi Mboti as part of UCSB's African Studies Series. Dr. Mboti will discuss the new field he founded: Apartheid Studies. He will introduce his forthcoming 4-volume treatise on the subject, Apartheid Studies: A Manifesto, which will change how we think about enslavement, colonialism, neocolonialism, […]


Mia Dragnic and Pierina Ferretti: “An Expansive Rebellion: Feminism and Social Revolt in Chile”

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UCSB and UCSD have joined together to welcome Pierina Ferretti and Mia Dragnic García, sociologists and doctoral candidates in Latin American Studies at the University of Chile. In October 2019, Chile experienced its largest social revolt since the return to democracy in 1990. The mobilization, which began as a spontaneous reaction to protest against a […]


Lucía Cavallero: “Gendered Violence and Financialization of Social Reproduction: A Feminist Perspective On Debt”

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UCSB and UCSD have joined together to welcome Lucía Cavallero, a doctoral candidate in Social Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires. The presentation will focus on the relationship between sexist violence and economic violence, specifically the financialization of life and the increase in gender-based violence. It will highlight the Latin American feminist movement’s struggles […]


Mónica Michelena: “We Are Charrúa Women: From Negation to Re-Existence in Our Body-Territory”

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UCSB and UCSD have joined together to welcome Mónica Michelena, Secretary of the Charrúa Nation's Council and former Advisor on Indigenous Affairs for Uruguay's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2014-18). Charrúa women have gone through dispossession, exclusion, and negation that left marks on their collective memory and body-territory. This genocidal process did not end in 19th-century […]


Humanities Decanted–W. Patrick McCray, “Making Art Work: How Cold War Engineers and Artists Forged a New Creative Culture”

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The IHC's Humanities Decanted series invites all to a dialogue between Patrick McCray (History) and Alan Liu (English) about McCray’s new book, Making Art Work: How Cold War Engineers and Artists Forged a New Creative Culture (MIT Press, 2020). Audience Q&A will follow. Despite C. P. Snow’s warning, in 1959, of an unbridgeable chasm between […]


IHC Talk: Utathya Chattopadhyaya, “Cannabis and South Asia”

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The IHC's Asian/American Studies Collective welcomes UCSB History professor Utathya Chattopadhyaya for a talk on the role of cannabis in South Asian experiences of empire. Historical scholarship now conceives empire as a webbed uneven field of power relations and a multispecies enterprise. In other words, the anxious and breathless struggle of European imperialism to sustain itself […]


Lily Anne Welty Tamai, “Mixed-Race Black Identities in Postwar Japan and Okinawa”

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The East Asia Center welcomes UCSB History alumna Dr. Lily Anne Welty Tamai (Asian American Studies, UCLA) for a talk on "Mixed-Race Black Identities in Postwar Japan and Okinawa." Mixed-race people born at the end of World War II made history quietly with their families and their communities. Wars and the military occupations that followed, […]


Center for Cold War Studies Talk: Nancy Mitchell, “Andrew Young: Challenging Anglo-Saxon Foreign Policy?”

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Andrew Young, one of Martin Luther King's top aides and a former member of Congress, served as Jimmy Carter's ambassador to the United Nations. Outspoken and controversial, Young questioned prevailing Cold War assumptions. "Communism has never been a threat to me," he said. "Racism has always been a threat—and that has been the enemy of […]


UCSB Africa Center Inaugural Lecture: Dr. Zoé Samudzi’s “Rewriting the Concentration Camp”

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The UCSB Africa Center cordially invites you to a special guest lecture on June 4 by Dr. Zoé Samudzi on indigenous demands for restitution, long-contested histories of colonial dispossession and property ownership in the aftermath of the German genocide of the Herero and Nama peoples in Namibia. Her talk will interrogate the trajectories of colonial ideology and practice from […]


History Associates: “Wonders of Medieval Rome” Talk by Carol Lansing

21 W. Anapamu Street 21 Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara

Recent research, discoveries and restorations are dramatically changing how scholars view medieval Rome. The city was hardly the artistic and cultural backwater we had imagined: instead, as Julian Gardner writes, it was a crucible for the arts.  This talk will set out some of those finds.  The Aula Gotica frescoes are just one fascinating example. In […]