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Colin Gordon, “Citizen Brown: Race, Democracy, and Inequality in the St. Louis Suburbs”

HSSB 4041

As part of the The Center for the Study of Work, Labor, and Democracy's "The Political Economy of Racial Inequality" Fall Quarter speaker series, Colin Gordon (History, University of Iowa) will present "Citizen Brown: Race, Democracy, and Inequality in the St. Louis Suburbs." Gordon is an historian of US public policy, political economy, and urban […]

David Stein, “Containing Keynesianism in an Age of Civil Rights: Jim Crow Monetary Policy and the Struggle for Guaranteed Jobs, 1956-1979”

HSSB 4041 University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

As part of the The Center for the Study of Work, Labor, and Democracy's "The Political Economy of Racial Inequality" Fall Quarter speaker series, David Stein (African American Studies, University of California Los Angeles) will present "Containing Keynesianism in an Age of Civil Rights: Jim Crow Monetary Policy and the Struggle for Guaranteed Jobs, 1956-1979." […]

Ronny Regev, “‘We Want No More Economic Islands’: The Mobilization of the Black Consumer Market in the Postwar US”

HSSB 4041 University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

On February 14 Ronny Regev (History, Hebrew University of Jerusalem) presents, "'We Want No More Economic Islands': The Mobilization of the Black Consumer Market in the Postwar US." WWII ushered in an era of economic growth in the United States, which enshrined consumption as an integral part of liberal citizenship. African Americans were often excluded […]

Stuart Tyson Smith, “Black Pharaohs? Egyptological Bias, Racism, and Egypt and Nubia as African Civilizations”

Zoom CA

Harvard University's Hutchins Center for African & African American Research welcomes UCSB Professor of Anthropology (and History Department affiliate faculty member) Stuart Tyson Smith to the W.E.B. Du Bois Virtual Lecture Series. On Tuesday, September 22 Professor Smith will present his Zoom lecture "Black Pharaohs? Egyptological Bias, Racism, and Egypt and Nubia as African Civilizations." Register […]


The Initiative for the Study of Race, Religion, and Revolution’s Winter 2021 Schedule

University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Professor Butch Ware and the ISRRAR announce the Winter Quarter schedule for HIST 210RA: Race, Faith, Revolution. Graduate students are invited to register for this 2-unit seminar and to sign up for the listserv at http://tinyurl.com/ISRRARListServ. How have Black metaphysics articulated with racial politics in order to advance efforts of justice, liberation, and self-actualization? In […]

Job Talk: Taylor M. Moore’s “Amulet Tales: Political and Spiritual Economies of Healing in Egypt”

Zoom CA

The History Department invites all to a job talk by Dr. Taylor M. Moore on January 13, 2021. Dr. Moore is a University of California President's Postdoctoral Fellow in the History Department at UC Santa Barbara. Her research lies at the intersections of critical race studies, decolonial/postcolonial histories of science, and decolonial materiality studies with […]

ISRRAR Event–Dr. LaKisha Simmons, “The Ancestors and the Womb are One: Black Motherhood and Histories of Black Infant Loss”

University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Throughout the twentieth century, Black women in the United States experienced at least double the rates of infant mortality experienced by white women. Through an analysis of oral histories collected in the US South in the 1930s, Dr. LaKisha Simmons (University of Michigan) details what Patricia Hill Collins terms a “Black women’s standpoint on mothering.” […]

Capps Center Event: Speech, White Supremacy, and Insurrection

Zoom CA

The January 6 insurrection at the United States Capitol brought to the fore the threat that white nationalist forces pose to our democracy. Join the Walter H. Capps Center for the Study of Ethics, Religion, and Public Life for a conversation about these forces, their history, and what can be done to resist them. Our […]
