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The Initiative for the Study of Race, Religion, and Revolution’s Winter 2021 Schedule

University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Professor Butch Ware and the ISRRAR announce the Winter Quarter schedule for HIST 210RA: Race, Faith, Revolution. Graduate students are invited to register for this 2-unit seminar and to sign up for the listserv at http://tinyurl.com/ISRRARListServ. How have Black metaphysics articulated with racial politics in order to advance efforts of justice, liberation, and self-actualization? In […]

Job Talk: Taylor M. Moore’s “Amulet Tales: Political and Spiritual Economies of Healing in Egypt”

Zoom CA

The History Department invites all to a job talk by Dr. Taylor M. Moore on January 13, 2021. Dr. Moore is a University of California President's Postdoctoral Fellow in the History Department at UC Santa Barbara. Her research lies at the intersections of critical race studies, decolonial/postcolonial histories of science, and decolonial materiality studies with […]

ISRRAR Event–Dr. LaKisha Simmons, “The Ancestors and the Womb are One: Black Motherhood and Histories of Black Infant Loss”

University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Throughout the twentieth century, Black women in the United States experienced at least double the rates of infant mortality experienced by white women. Through an analysis of oral histories collected in the US South in the 1930s, Dr. LaKisha Simmons (University of Michigan) details what Patricia Hill Collins terms a “Black women’s standpoint on mothering.” […]

Capps Center Event: Speech, White Supremacy, and Insurrection

Zoom CA

The January 6 insurrection at the United States Capitol brought to the fore the threat that white nationalist forces pose to our democracy. Join the Walter H. Capps Center for the Study of Ethics, Religion, and Public Life for a conversation about these forces, their history, and what can be done to resist them. Our […]


FOCAL POINT Dialogues in History Webinar I: Sovereignty and the Political

Zoom CA

The History Department's Colloquium Committee warmly invites you to attend the inaugural session of our FOCAL POINT Dialogues in History series.  Inspired by the History Department’s Statement on the George Floyd Uprising and its invocation to understand and interrogate our racialized past and the investments of disciplinary history within it, the series brings together UCSB History faculty […]

ISRRAR Event–Dr. Rasul Miller, “Black Internationalism and Black Sunni Muslims in America”

University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

During the interwar period, the historic neighborhood of Harlem was home to a thriving Black political scene that included Garveyites, Communists, labor organizers, anticolonial activists, and politicized adherents of various new Black religious congregations. Shaykh Daoud Faisal and Mother Khadijah Faisal, the architects of New York City’s first lasting Black Sunni Muslim community worked as […]

AfroLatinx Voices Series: Re-Writing Black Religions in the Atlantic World–A Conversation with Andrea Mosquera-Guerrero

Zoom CA

How might we re-write the history and historiography of religion, race, and art in Latin America, the Caribbean and the Atlantic world? Prof. Andrea Guerrero-Mosquera (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco) will discuss the role of historians in uncovering and debating ideas about the past of people of African descent during the colonial period. She invites us to […]


Adrienne Edgar, “Mixed Children in Soviet Central Asia: Dilemmas of Identity and Belonging”

Zoom CA

The UCSB Department of Political Science's Identity Politics Group invites you to join them at a Workshop in which Professor Adrienne Edgar (History, UCSB) will present a chapter from her forthcoming book, Intimate Internationalism: Mixed Marriage in Soviet Central Asia. The chapter to be discussed is "Mixed Children in Soviet Central Asia: Dilemmas of Identity […]
