Interdisciplinary Humanities Center
Pan-Africanism: A History
Girvetz 1004 Girvetz Hall, Santa Barbara, CA, United StatesLecture by Professor Hakim Adi (University of Chichester, UK) Thursday, February 21, 2019, 6:15-7:30 pm Girvetz Hall 1004
Rosemarie Zagarri on “The Murky Past and Contested Future of the Electoral College”
HSSB 4080 4080 Humanities and Social Sciences Building, UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United StatesOn October 24 at 4:00pm in HSSB 4080, Professor Rosemarie Zagarri of George Mason University will present a talk titled "The Murky Past and Contested Future of the Electoral College." The event is free and open to the public. This talk will examine the roots of the American system for electing its president and explore […]
Building a Green New Deal: Community, Coalition, Organizing for Environmental Justice: A Public Forum
HSSB 6020 University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United StatesIn communities, classrooms, and protest sites across the country, people have embraced the call for a Green New Deal as a way of recognizing that climate change presents us with an unprecedented historic challenge—and the need for comprehensive and transformational reform. California’s Central Coast has a powerful tradition of grassroots activism to draw on in […]
Susan Lederer, “‘Send My Body to the Medical College’: Alternative Afterlives in Turn of the Century America”
HSSB 6020 (McCune Room) University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United StatesDr. Susan Lederer, Professor of the History of Medicine, University of Wisconsin Madison will be giving a talk on Thursday, January 9 at 5:30 pm entitled "'Send My Body to the Medical College': Alternative Afterlives in Turn of the Century America." In 1876 American and English newspapers reported the extraordinary will made by an American […]
History Faculty John W. I. Lee on IHC’s Humanities Decanted: on his new book The First Black Archaeologist: A Life of John Wesley Gilbert
HSSB 6020 (McCune Room) University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United StatesThe Interdisciplinary Humanities Center is hosting a dialogue between John W. I. Lee (History) and Krzysztof Janowicz (Geography) about Lee’s new book, The First Black Archaeologist: A Life of John Wesley Gilbert. Audience Q&A will follow. The First Black Archaeologist reveals the untold story of a pioneering African American classical scholar, teacher, community leader, and […]
IHC RFG | Crossing Borderlands | Discussion with Stuart Tyson Smith: “Backwater Puritans”? Racism, Egyptological Stereotype, and the Intersection of Local and International at Kushite Tombos
HSSB 6056Click here to Register and receive the Zoom link. Click here for the flyer
IHC Regeneration Talk by Scott Ellsworth: The Tulsa Race Massacre: Causes, Cover Up, and the Fight for the Past
HSSB 6020 (McCune Room) University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United StatesThe 1921 Tulsa race massacre was the worst single incident of racial violence in American history. But for decades its very existence was denied. Official records went missing, incriminating articles were torn out of bound volumes of old newspapers, and researchers even had their lives threatened. Award-winning author and historian Scott Ellsworth, author of The […]
IHC RFG Talk | Lee Vinsel | US Policymaking and the Promises of Technology in the 1990S’ “New Economy”
HSSB 4041On April 5th, 2000, President William Clinton stepped to the microphone at the White House Conference on the New Economy and told those gathered that the United States was experiencing “an economic transformation as profound as that that led us into the industrial revolution.” The 1990s was a heady moment for chatter about technological change, […]
Victor Seow, “The Human Factor: Work as Science in Twentieth-Century China”
McCune Conference Room (HSSB 6020) Humanities and Social Sciences Bldg, Santa Barbara, CA, United StatesIn 1935, the Commercial Press in Shanghai published a modest-sized volume on a subject most of its readers likely never heard of. Titled An Overview of Industrial Psychology (工業心理學概觀), this text was written by a young psychologist who was trained in and recently returned from Britain. It was the first in Chinese on the titular […]