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Eugenic Legacies Across Latin America: Virtual Conference

University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

We want to invite you to the upcoming virtual conference - Eugenic Legacies Across Latin America, October 12 & 13, 2022.   The conference invites scholars, activists and artists, to look at what […]


History Associates Talk | States of Dis/armament | Mhoze Chikowero

HSSB 6020 (McCune Room) University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

States of Dis/armament: Reading Statemaking in Africa’s Recent History When: WEDNESDAY, NOV 9, 2022 at 4:00 PM Where: Miller McCune Conference Room, HSSB, UC Santa Barbara Free and open to the […]

Talk by Professor Emerita, Sharon Farmer | Fowl Play: France and beyond, 1979…

HSSB 4020 University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

The History Department will host  SHARON FARMER, Professor Emerita (UCSB),  who will present a talk, entitled “Fowl Play: France and beyond, 1979…”  When: 12:00 PM, Thursday, January 12th. Where: HSSB 4020.  The […]

Event Series Gender + Sexualities

Gender + Sexualities Paper Workshop | Mika Thornburg | “Selling Self-Discovery: Constructing a Desire for Female Travel in Postwar Japan, 1960-1985”

HSSB 4041 University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Mika Thornburg will share her in-progress dissertation chapter: "Selling Self-Discovery: Constructing a Desire for Female Travel in Postwar Japan, 1960-1985." Please read the paper in advance and be prepared to share your observations […]