“Education gets pounded on a lot… As local educators we need to redeem history by coming together with the community, sink our teeth into the truths of history, and to showcase that history is not a one-sided narrative.”
Helen Murdoch, an alumnus of the MA program in history at UCSB, took her place as the newly-elected President of UCSB History Associates. Armed with a vision to support historians at UCSB while also tailoring a holistic relationship of the department with the Santa Barbara community, Murdoch has initiated an exciting phase of History Associates and their relevance to the community. With an inclusive and innovative vision like Murdoch’s, history is sure to come alive through the public talks, newsletters and other collaborations of the department with History Associates. Read more here about how Murdoch’s visions, inspirations behind studying, teaching and now engaging history vibrantly in the community of Santa Barbara.