Then heckler calls Pres. Obama “Antichrist” & interviews follow
On Sept. 25, 2011 prof. Matthew Sutton (Washington State U; UCSB Ph.D 2005), author of a book on “the Resurrection of Christian America” (Harvard UP, 2009; link) published an op-ed in the New York Times, “Why the Antichrist Matters in Politics.”
Listen to this 7:42 min Sept. 30 interview with Matt, “The Politics of the Apocalypse,” on the NPR show Here and Now, which includes a clip of the heckler, as well as links to his original op-ed, a youtube clip of a Rick Perry ad deploying apocalyptic imagery that reminds some viewers of films from Nazi Germany, and a Huffington Post piece on the heckler. The HuffPost piece, in turn, contains a clip from MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnel show that itself includes a soundbite from an earlier interview with Matt on MSNBC on Sept. 26, just hours before the heckler interrupted the President.
This is a fascinating discussion about a curious phenomenon in contemporary US politics, analyzing the imagery of the apocalypse, fascism, the anti-state movement, and much more.
hm 10/2/11