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Van Gelderen Graduate Student Lecture: Sergey Saluschev, “Reluctant Abolitionists: Slavery, the Slave Trade and Abolition in the 19th-Century Caucasus”

CA, United States

History Associates presents the seventh annual Van Gelderen Graduate Student Lecture, this year given by Sergey Saluschev. He will present on his dissertation topic, "Reluctant Abolitionists: Slavery, the Slave Trade and Abolition in the 19th-Century Caucasus." This talk will focus on the slave trade in the Russian-ruled Caucasus between 1801 and 1917 and draws upon […]

History Associates: Luke Roberts, “A Samurai Wife Divorces her Lout of a Husband”

Zoom CA

Join the History Associates for an engaging presentation from UCSB History Professor Luke Roberts on a specific case that influenced gender roles in 19th-century Japan. Zoom link: ucsb.zoom.us/j/6855143149 Mori Nao, a young samurai wife in Japan, desired a divorce from her abusive husband in 1824. Legally a man could divorce his wife but a wife […]
