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UCSB Africa Center Inaugural Lecture: Dr. Zoé Samudzi’s “Rewriting the Concentration Camp”

Zoom CA

The UCSB Africa Center cordially invites you to a special guest lecture on June 4 by Dr. Zoé Samudzi on indigenous demands for restitution, long-contested histories of colonial dispossession and property ownership in the aftermath of the German genocide of the Herero and Nama peoples in Namibia. Her talk will interrogate the trajectories of colonial ideology and practice from […]

Event Series Colloquium in Public History

Public History Colloquium Event–”Telling Diverse Stories: The National Park Service Women’s History Initiative and Collaboration in Historic Preservation”

Zoom CA

Join the History Department’s Colloquium in Public History on Friday, June 4 at noon for a Zoom talk by Christopher E. Johnson (National Park Service), Anne Lindsay (Public History, CSU Sacramento), and Jenni Sorkin (History of Art and Architecture, UCSB). This presentation describes collaborative work completed under the Women’s History Initiative, one of three national initiatives […]


“The Politics of Food and Occupation During the Second World War”

https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/6855143149 University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

“The Politics of Food and Occupation During the Second World War." Erika Rappaport, Lisa Jacobson, and Elizabeth Schmidt would like to invite you to register for this workshop, which will take place on August 28th, 2021 at 9:00-11:30am PDT. Once you register, you will receive a link to the three pre-circulated papers up for discussion […]

History Department New Majors’ Meeting

University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Please join us at the annual History Department New Majors' Meeting! This meeting is geared towards incoming freshmen and transfer students, and any student that is new to our department. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 21st at 11am in HSSB 4080. Meet your future professors and classmates, listen to an impressive faculty panel speak about topics such as […]

Round Table: Hispanic Heritage Month & A New History of Iberian Feminism

University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Round Table: Hispanic Heritage Month & A New History of Iberian Feminism The Department of Spanish and Portuguese invites you to a Round Table on Iberian Feminism, on the occasion of Hispanic Heritage Month and the publication of Una nueva historia de los feminismos ibéricos (Tirant lo Blach, 2021) edited by Prof. Silvia Bermúdez (UCSB) and […]

History Associates: “Wonders of Medieval Rome” Talk by Carol Lansing

21 W. Anapamu Street 21 Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara

Recent research, discoveries and restorations are dramatically changing how scholars view medieval Rome. The city was hardly the artistic and cultural backwater we had imagined: instead, as Julian Gardner writes, it was a crucible for the arts.  This talk will set out some of those finds.  The Aula Gotica frescoes are just one fascinating example. In […]

Lecture by Jérémie Foa, Faces of the Massacre: Victims and Killers of the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre (France, 1572)

University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Professor Jérémie Foa, Fellow, Institute for Advanced Study and Maître de conférences, HDR, Aix-Marseille Université, will present a lecture entitled, "Faces of the Massacre: Victims and Killers of the Saint-Bartholomew’s Day Massacre (France, 1572)." Friday, November 19, 2021 at 2 pm over Zoom; Please email bernstein@history.ucsb.edu for the Zoom link. In his new book, Tous […]

Gender Cluster Workshop | Anna Rudolph

HSSB 4020 University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

  On Thursday, 20 January 2022, Anna Rudolph will share her chapter - Chapter 6_Revolutionary Radegund- with the Gender and Sexualities Research Cluster.    This chapter presents an in-depth study of the cult of Radegund, a sixth-century Frankish queen-saint, from the French Revolution through the turn of the twentieth century. The Revolution had a devastating effect […]

History Associates Talk and Performance: Mhoze Chikowero and Dr. Tanyaradzwa Tawengwa on Musics of State-making in Zimbabwe

HTTPS://UCSB.ZOOM.US/J/83279445270 Multicultural Center, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

History Associates presents, in collaboration with UCSB Multicultural Center, a special online performance from opera-singer and scholar, Tanyaradzwa Tawengwa. Tawengwa is a close collaborator of UCSB Associate Professor of History, Mhoze Chikowero, who will be moderating the post performance Q&A. Tawengwa and Chikowero worked together to adapt her senior thesis from Princeton, "Dawn of the Rooster," into […]