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Lucía Cavallero: “Gendered Violence and Financialization of Social Reproduction: A Feminist Perspective On Debt”
February 8, 2021 @ 4:00 pm
UCSB and UCSD have joined together to welcome Lucía Cavallero, a doctoral candidate in Social Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires.
The presentation will focus on the relationship between sexist violence and economic violence, specifically the financialization of life and the increase in gender-based violence. It will highlight the Latin American feminist movement’s struggles against debt as articulated in the tactic of the March 8 International Women’s Day Strike and in Argentina’s Ni Una Menos (Not One Less) movement.
See Lucía’s articles “Debt and the Violence of Property” (Verso 2020) and “A feminist perspective on the battle over property” (Feminist Review 2020), both co-authored with Verónica Gago.
Zoom link: https://ucsb.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZElduGopjorEtfsRKUqNx8CcKzu8_VhM43a
Password: argentina
This event is part of the Feminismos desde abajo, y hacia el sur/ Feminisms from Below, and Toward the South series. This speaker series welcomes feminist militants from Latin America to share their perspectives and experiences on building popular power towards a mass feminist movement. Over the past decade, Latin American feminists have identified manifestations of gender-based oppression under capitalism in everyday women’s conditions in order to successfully mobilize them as part of a political movement. Feminists produce analyses and subsequent strategies around reproductive rights, resource extractivism, housing, debt, and more. This mass feminism has grown to be arguably the most insurgent political force across the continent.