Historia has more in-depth articles about many of the News items on this webpage, as well as features such as the Chair’s column.
The current issue (and all past issues) of Historia, the newsletter of the UCSB History Associates, is now available on the History Associates web page.
The Sept. 2009 edition features articles about:
-Prof. Lichtenstein’s new book about WalMart,
-our new faculty colleagues in the History of Science, as well as Chinese and African history,
-the Oct. 14 teach-in about the UC budget crisis
-Rose Hayden-Smith’s blog about home gardens
-additional awards won by Profs. Hamalainen and Barbieri-Low’s books
-Prof. emeritus Badash’s new book on “Nuclear Winter”
-the chair’s column (with good news and bad…)
-the President’s corner, and
-former SB mayor (1981-1993) and Hist. Associates member Sheila Lodge’s memories of her encounter with Queen Elizabeth II during a visit to Santa Barbara n 1983.
hm 9/25/09