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Genders & Sexualities Cluster | Annual Graduate Student Colloquium 2022
June 9, 2022
The full program can be downloaded here in May: GSRC Graduate Student Colloquium 2022
All sessions will take place at the University of California, Santa Barbara campus, located on the traditional and unceded territories of the Chumash people. We offer our respect to Chumash Elders past, present, and future as the custodians of this area’s memories, traditions, and cultures.
Session A – 9:00 AM
Julia Crisler, History, UC Santa Barbara
The Hunstwomen: Kennel Mistresses? Medieval Female Kennel Masters and Leaders in Artois
Session B – 10:00 AM
Elizabeth Schmidt, History, UC Santa Barbara
“Subverting Gendered and Raced Expectations: Unacknowledged Labor and Consumers in Military Provisioning”
Session C (hybrid) – 11:15 AM
Nora Kassner, History, UC Santa Barbara
“A New and Informal Experiment”
LUNCH 12:15 – 1:00 PM
Session D – 1:00 PM
Kristen Thomas-McGill, History, UC Santa Barbara
Gender, Gossip, and Unspeakability on “A Spicy Little Isle where Ladies are Few”
Session E – 2:00 PM
Sarah Dunne, History, UC Santa Barbara
The Migrating Queer Bookshelf: Queer Books, Bookstores, and Communities in the United States
Session F – 3:15 PM
Nicole de Silva, History, UC Santa Barbara
“Setting the World House to Right”: Consumer Politics and the Figure of the U.S. Housewife in Postwar Planning, 1942-1945
History Department Picnic 4:30 – 7 PM
Stow Grove Park, Goleta
Thank you for sharing your ideas and time.