Studies in Late Antiquity is edited by Prof. Elizabeth DePalma Digeser of the UCSB History Department. Check out the contents of the latest issue below.
Embodying the PastStud Late Antiq 2019; 3.1: 1-3 doi:10.1525/sla.2019.3.1.1
Advancing Feminism Online: Online Tools, Visibility, and Women in ClassicsStud Late Antiq 2019; 3.1: 4-16 doi:10.1525/sla.2019.3.1.4
Revolutionizing the Status Quo: Appeals to Pre-Islamic Christianity in the Writings of Anastasius of SinaiStud Late Antiq 2019; 3.1: 17-35 doi:10.1525/sla.2019.3.1.17Soundscapes of Salvation: Resounding Refrains in Jewish and Christian Liturgical PoemsStud Late Antiq 2019; 3.1: 36-55 doi:10.1525/sla.2019.3.1.36Suffering and Sacrifice: The Hermeneutics of Yisurin in the Babylonian TalmudStud Late Antiq 2019; 3.1: 56-76 doi:10.1525/sla.2019.3.1.56Italian Narratives of Oppositional Identity: Hagiography and Affect in Distancing the Late Antique and Medieval Saracen, and the Modern MigrantStud Late Antiq 2019; 3.1: 77-113 doi:10.1525/sla.2019.3.1.77
Review: Sarmatians – History and Archaeology of a Forgotten People, by Istvánovits, Eszter, and Valéria KulcsárStud Late Antiq 2019; 3.1: 114-116 doi:10.1525/sla.2019.3.1.114Review: From Anti-Judaism to Anti-Semitism, Ancient and Medieval Christian Constructions of Jewish History, by Robert ChazanStud Late Antiq 2019; 3.1: 116-119 doi:10.1525/sla.2019.3.1.116
Review: “Crossroads. Travelling Through the Middle Ages, AD 300–1000,” Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (September 15, 2017–February 11, 2018); “Byzantium and the Others in the First Millennium: An Empire of Stability in a Turbulent Era,” the Byzantine and Christian Museum, Athens, Greece (May 18–October 10, 2018); “Europe on the Move: A Journey through the Early Middle Ages,” LVR-LandesMuseum, Bonn, Germany (November 15, 2018–May 12, 2019)Stud Late Antiq 2019; 3.1: 120-124 doi:10.1525/sla.2019.3.1.120
New Issue of Studies in Late Antiquity Available!
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