The History Department extends a warm welcome to its 21 newest members!
ALL SMILES. The 2007-08 entering class of grad students takes a break from their orientation meeting.
Pictured (l. to r.): Brian Ernst (modern Europe), Rachel Winslow (US), Steve Campbell (US), José Luis Igue (Latin America), Eric Fenrich (US), Bianca Brigidi (Latin America) Tory Swim (Public History), Kelly Morse Johnson (Middle East), Nicole Pacino (Latin America) Jill Briggs (History of Science), Andres Magnussen (Middle East), Judy Kingkaysone (medieval Europe), Joe Mulvey (medieval Europe), Abigail Dowling (medieval Europe), Seth Ford (medieval Europe), grad secretary Darcy Ritzau, and Ken Hough (US).
Not in picture: Cristina Aparicio (Latin America), Moonsil Kim (East Asia), Janiene Langford (US), Filiberto Nolasco (Latin America), and Ty Smith (Public History).
Future years:
- News item on the 2008-09 entering class (25)
- News item on the 2009-10 entering class (11)
- News item on the 2010-11 entering class (7)
- News item on the 2011-12 entering class (19)
- News item on the 2012-13 entering class (17)
- News item on the 2013-14 entering class (9)
- News item on the 2014-15 entering class (12)
hm 9/29/2007; 9/28/2009, 9/28/2010