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Departmental Dissertation (and Diversity) Fellowships

Each year, we open applications to receive a departmental fellowship for the upcoming academic year. This fellowship includes covered of tuition and fees, health insurance, and a stipend. The stipend and quantity of fellowships available are have not been decided yet as it is dependent upon multiple factors that haven’t been made available yet.

Required Materials

  • Research Project Description, including schedule of completion details (one to two pages, single-spaced)
  • Statement of Need and Plan of Work (500 words max): How will a 1Q and/or 3Q fellowship support your progress towards your degree? Why is it important for you to have this support now? What is your plan of work for the fellowship period (i.e., how will you accomplish your goal)?
  • Curriculum Vitae (2-page maximum, single-spaced)
  • Diversity Statement (one page maximum, single-spaced), required only for those who wish to be considered for Departmental Diversity Dissertation Fellowship (DDDF)
  • Faculty Letter of Recommendation that addresses how a 1 Quarter or 3 Quarter of support will benefit the student (the faculty will need to explain both 1Q and 3Q needs in a single letter)
Submit your application materials to the department to review through this link: https://forms.gle/6BiSddeG978cWE778