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History of Public Policy and Law Senior Thesis Seminar (HIST 195IA/IB)

This year, we were not able to hold our annual research colloquium for students in both the Senior Honors Seminar and the History of Public Policy Seminar, but you can view all of their research topics below!

  • Slide for Celebrating Undergraduate Research (Class of 2020)

History of Public Policy and Law Senior Thesis

History 195IA/IB


In this two-quarter individual research project, students will work under the direction of a history faculty mentor (selected with the advice of the departmental advisor to public policy students) to develop a 50-100 page thesis paper. In the winter quarter, students will work together in a class setting to begin their research, develop a prospectus and working bibliography, and apply for campus-sponsored research funding grants. 

In the spring quarter, students will work individually with their faculty mentor to complete their thesis paper. Students will also participate in a departmental colloquium in the spring, in which they will present their research to a panel of history department faculty and graduate students for comment. 

Required Application Materials:

  • A brief paragraph on your indented topic of study
  • Your upper-division major GPA (can be found in your major progress check in GOLD)
  • The name of a history department faculty member who has agreed to advise you
  • A list of relevant courses you have taken for your intended thesis topic, and a list of any courses taken with your thesis advisor

Important Information for Applicants:

  • Students must be a major in History of Public Policy and Law to apply.
  • Applications are accepted each fall quarter. 
  • This course only takes place in the winter and spring quarters annually.
  • Students will earn 8 units upon completion of HIST 195IB. Students must complete both quarters of HIST 195IA/IB to earn credit for the class. 
  • An information session regarding the program is held every fall quarter, and specific application deadlines will be announced at this session.
  • If you plan to graduate early, it is possible to take this course during your junior year. Please consult with your major advisor on this. 
  • If you have any questions, please reach out to either the faculty director of public policy, or the history department undergraduate advisor.