Addie Jensen graduated in June 2024 and is now an Assistant Professor of History at Montana State University. You can reach her at
Addie Jensen is a PhD Candidate in the Department of History at the University of California, Santa Barbara, where she studies Twentieth Century U.S. Foreign Relations under the direction of Salim Yaqub. Her dissertation, “Blowing in the Wind: Media, Counterculture, and the American Military in Vietnam,” examines and analyzes the intersections of foreign policy, media, and popular culture by situating the experiences of American servicemembers during the Vietnam War alongside the countercultural movements of the 1960s and 1970s. It explores the various mediums through which news of social and racial justice movements reached men and women of diverse racial, ethnic, and class backgrounds serving in Vietnam, and how these movements influenced the troops’ attitudes towards the war and their return to American society. Addie’s work has been funded by the Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center, the Lyndon B. Johnson Foundation, UCSB’s Chicano Studies Institute, and the UCSB Interdisciplinary Humanities Center, among other institutions. She received her BA in History and English from the University of San Diego in 2014.
Addie is also a founder of the Cold War Working Group (CWWG), a branch of the UCSB Center for Cold War Studies and International History. If students are interested in learning more about this initiative, see the website here, or contact Addie if you’re interested in participating in any capacity. The CWWG hosts graduate student workshops as well as an undergraduate blog (“This Day in Cold War History”). If you are a former UCSB graduate student, the CWWG also welcomes “Where Are They Now” posts. Please reach out at for more information.
Blowing in the Wind: Media, Counterculture, and the American Military in Vietnam
Instructor of Record
- HIST 171D: The United States and the World Since 1945 (Summer 2022, Session B)
- WRIT 2: Academic Writing (AY 2021-2022)
- HIST 171D: The United States and the World Since 1945 (Summer 2021, Session B)
- INT93LS: Hindsight’s 2020: Exploring the Tumultuous Year That Changed the World (Summer 2021, Summer Research Academies, Track 2)
Graduate Teaching Assistant
- Lead Teaching Assistant (AY 2019-2020)
- HIST 17C: History of the American Peoples, 1920-Present (Spring 2019)
- HIST 17B: History of the American Peoples, 1830-1920 (Winter 2019)
- HIST 17A: History of the American Peoples, Colonial Through Jacksonian Era (Fall 2018)
- HIST 17C: History of the American Peoples, 1920-Present (Spring 2018)
- HIST 17B: History of the American Peoples, 1830-1920 (Winter 2018)
- HIST 17A: History of the American Peoples, Colonial Through Jacksonian Era (Fall 2017)
- HIST 17C: History of the American Peoples, 1920-Present (Spring 2017)
- HIST 17B: History of the American Peoples, 1830-1920 (Winter 2017)
- HIST 17A: History of the American Peoples, Colonial Through Jacksonian Era (Fall 2016)
- HIST 171D: The United States and the World Since 1945 (Spring 2016)
Fellowships & Awards (Selected)
- Harry Middleton Fellowship in Presidential Studies (2023-2024, Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation)
- Rosenwald Postdoctoral Fellowship in U.S. Foreign Policy and International Security (AY 2023-2024, John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding, Dartmouth College), declined
- Ernest May Predoctoral Fellowship in History and Policy (AY 2023-2024, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at the Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University)
- Center for Cold War Studies and International History Fellowship, Graduate Student Assistant (Spring 2023, UCSB History Department)
- Rick K. Mayberry Award (2022, UCSB History Department)
- Dick Cook Memorial Fellowship (2022, UC Santa Barbara History Associates)
- American Rescue Plan Grant (2022, Graduate Division, UC Santa Barbara)
- IHC Dissertation Fellow (2022, UC Santa Barbara, Interdisciplinary Humanities Center)
- Steve and Barbara Mendell Fellowship in Cultural Literacy (2022, UC Santa Barbara)
- Academic Senate Student Travel Grant (2022, UC Santa Barbara)
- CSI Grant (2021, Chicano Studies Institute, UC Santa Barbara)
- Robert L. Kelley Fellowship (2021, UC Santa Barbara History Associates)
- Humanities and Social Sciences Research Grant (2021, UC Santa Barbara Graduate Division)
- Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation Moody Research Grant (2020, Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation)
- Center for Cold War Studies and International History Fellowship, Graduate Student Assistant (Winter and Spring 2021, UC Santa Barbara History Department)
- IHC Graduate Collaborative Award (Winter 2020, UC Santa Barbara, Interdisciplinary Humanities Center)
- UCSB Regent’s Dissertation Fellowship (Fall 2020, UCSB History Department)
- Center for Cold War Studies and International History Fellowship, Graduate Student Assistant (Winter and Spring 2020, UCSB History Department)
- UCSB Regent’s Dissertation Fellowship (Fall 2019, UCSB History Department)
- DeConde/Burns Prize (2019, UCSB History Department)
- Recruiting Fellowship (2015-2016, UCSB History Department)
Professional Service (Selected)
- Assistant Editor of Passport: The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations Review, 2022-Present.
- Co-Founder of the Cold War Working Group (CWWG), 2021-Present.
- Program Committee Member, Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association, 2019-2021.