7 events found.
Week of Events
Gender Cluster Workshop | Anna Rudolph
Gender Cluster Workshop | Anna Rudolph
On Thursday, 20 January 2022, Anna Rudolph will share her chapter - Chapter 6_Revolutionary Radegund- with the Gender and Sexualities Research Cluster. This chapter presents an in-depth study of the cult of Radegund, a sixth-century Frankish queen-saint, from the French Revolution through the turn of the twentieth century. The Revolution had a devastating effect […]
History Club Weekly Meetings
History Club Weekly Meetings
UCSB’s new and improved History Departmental club is for majors, minors, and anyone with a passion for the past! Meetings are held every Thursday at 7:00 PM in HSSB 4020. See flier below for information about upcoming events. Please email histclub.ucsb@gmail.com with any questions.