35 events found.
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IHC RFG Talk | Lee Vinsel | US Policymaking and the Promises of Technology in the 1990S’ “New Economy”
IHC RFG Talk | Lee Vinsel | US Policymaking and the Promises of Technology in the 1990S’ “New Economy”
On April 5th, 2000, President William Clinton stepped to the microphone at the White House Conference on the New Economy and told those gathered that the United States was experiencing “an economic transformation as profound as that that led us into the industrial revolution.” The 1990s was a heady moment for chatter about technological change, […]
Lecture: Patrick Hunt (Stanford University) on “Hannibal’s Secret Weapon” in HSSB Room 6020
Lecture: Patrick Hunt (Stanford University) on “Hannibal’s Secret Weapon” in HSSB Room 6020
Hannibal’s success as a military commander in the Second Punic War (218-202 BCE) – surprising and severely defeating Rome after crossing the Alps at the Trebbia, Trasimene and Cannae battles and trickery against Fabius Maximus and others – is usually not focused on his brilliant weaponization of nature and his important use of Iberian silver […]