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UCSB History Department’s Annual Senior Honors Colloquium

HSSB 4020 University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Please join the History Department in celebrating the undergraduates at the Department's Annual Senior Honors Colloquium 2024. The program can be downloaded here.   Department of History Senior Honors Colloquium Friday, 17 May 2024 HSSB 4020   Coffee: 8:45 am First Panel, 9-10:30 a.m.: To Get Us Started… Roselind Zeng, “Chinese Protein PR: Selling Soymilk […]

Victor Seow, “The Human Factor: Work as Science in Twentieth-Century China”

McCune Conference Room (HSSB 6020) Humanities and Social Sciences Bldg, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

In 1935, the Commercial Press in Shanghai published a modest-sized volume on a subject most of its readers likely never heard of. Titled An Overview of Industrial Psychology (工業心理學概觀), this text was written by a young psychologist who was trained in and recently returned from Britain. It was the first in Chinese on the titular […]

Tsuyoshi Hasegawa, “The Last Tsar: The Abdication of Nicholas II and the Fall of the Romanovs”

HSSB 6020 (McCune Room) University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

UCSB Professor of History (emeritus) Tsuyoshi Hasegawa and Michigan State Professor of History (emeritus) Lewis Siegelbaum will engage in a colloquy on Professor Hasegawa's new book, The Last Tsar: The Abdication of Nicholas II and the Fall of the Romanovs. When Tsar Nicholas II fell from power in 1917, Imperial Russia faced a series of overlapping crises, from war to […]

Juan Cobo Betancourt, “The Coming of the Kingdom: The Muisca, Catholic Reform, and Spanish Colonialism in the New Kingdom of Granada

McCune Conference Room (HSSB 6020) Humanities and Social Sciences Bldg, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Book Presentation: "The Coming of the Kingdom: The Muisca, Catholic Reform, and Spanish Colonialism in the New Kingdom of Granada" Juan Cobo Betancourt UC Santa Barbara | Associate Professor of History Commentator: Yanna Yannakakis Emory University | Professor of History The Coming of the Kingdom explores the experiences of the Indigenous Muisca peoples of the […]

Event Series History Associates Events

Juan Cobo Betancourt, “Christianity, Colonialism, & the Muisca peoples of the Northern Andes”

Alhecama Theater 215 A East Canon Perdido Street, Santa Barbara, United States

Public Lecture: Juan Cobo Betancourt, "Christianity, Colonialism, & the Muisca peoples of the Northern Andes" Alhecama Theatre, 215 E. Canon Perdido Street, located in El Presidio de Santa Bárbara State Historic Park Free and open to the public. RSVP to historyassociates@ia.ucsb.edu How does colonialism work without a strong colonial state? How does religious conversion work […]

Michael Cooperson (UCLA), “Towards a New Arabic Literary History”

HSSB 4020

Towards a new Arabic literary history Michael Cooperson, Professor of Arabic, NELC, UCLA What did pre-modern authors writing in Arabic have to say about their own literary history? Many things, as it turns out, most of them non-linear. In this respect, their accounts differ from the rise-and-fall story later promulgated by European scholars––a story which […]