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Gender Cluster Workshop | Anna Rudolph

HSSB 4020 University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

  On Thursday, 20 January 2022, Anna Rudolph will share her chapter - Chapter 6_Revolutionary Radegund- with the Gender and Sexualities Research Cluster.    This chapter presents an in-depth study of the cult of Radegund, a sixth-century Frankish queen-saint, from the French Revolution through the turn of the twentieth century. The Revolution had a devastating effect […]

Gender Cluster Workshop | Giulia Giamboni “Women’s donations of Textiles. A Shared Body of Memories”

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Graduate student, Giulia Giamboni shares the 3rd chapter of her dissertation - "Women’s donations of Textiles" (here)-  with the Gender and Sexualities Research Cluster.    This chapter investigates the construction of political affiliation and religious patronage through the donation of textiles in the cross-cultural context of fourteenth-century Zadar (Croatia). I argue that these gifts, in particular those involving textiles, […]