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Film Showing: Run Boy Run

Campbell Hall Building 538, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Kristallnacht Commemoration and Santa Barbara Premiere Winner of 10 Film Festival Audience Awards   A superlative saga of courage and compassion, Run Boy Run tells the extraordinary true story of a Polish boy who seeks the kindness of others in his solitary struggle to outlast the Nazi occupation and keep alive his Jewish faith. Escaping […]


Film Showing: Valentino’s Ghost

HSSB 4020 University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Hailed by the Village Voice as “both sobering and illuminating,” Michael Singh’s documentary exposes how America’s foreign policy agenda in the Middle East drives U.S. media portrayals of Arabs and Muslims. It reveals truths behind taboo subjects often avoided or treated as sound bites and challenges the media barrage of misinformation about our complex relationship […]

Film Screening/Talk: “American Umpire”

HSSB 6020 (McCune Room) University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Elizabeth Cobbs and James Shelley grant us a sneak preview of their forthcoming PBS documentary film, "American Umpire," based on Prof. Cobbs's acclaimed history book of the same name. The film recounts America's post-World War II role as the world's policemen and explores whether the United States can, and should, continue to play that role […]

Suez at Sixty: Remembering the Suez Crisis and War of 1956

HSSB 6020 (McCune Room) University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

This fall marks the 60th anniversary of the Suez War of 1956, a pivotal moment in Egyptian, Middle Eastern, and international history. In response to Egypt's nationalization of the Suez Canal Company, Britain, France, and Israel launched a coordinated military assault against Egypt. The United States, the Soviet Union, and much of the international community […]


Film—”Nasser’s Republic: The Making of Modern Egypt”

HSSB 6020 (McCune Room) University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

The Center for Cold War Studies and International History will show Icarus Film's new documentary, "Nasser's Republic: The Making of Modern Egypt," a stirring but unflinching portrayal of Gamal Abdel Nasser and his impact on Egyptian, pan-Arab, and international politics. After the screening of the film, which runs about 80 minutes, Sherene Seikaly, Associate Professor […]


History Associates Presents: Stephan Miescher’s Ghana’s Electric Dreams

Faulkner Gallery 40 E Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

History Associates will kick off the 2019-2020 year with a presentation by UCSB’s Professor Stephan Miescher titled Ghana’s Electric Dreams. It is based on his forthcoming monograph on the history of Ghana’s most ambitious development project, the Volta River Project and the Akosombo Dam, and their importance for the process of nation-building. It will include the showing of […]