Internship in Scholarly Publishing
About the Course:
Through this year-long internship, students will work under faculty direction to produce an issue of the UCSB History Department’s Undergraduate Journal. Students will meet every two weeks and gain practical experience in scholarly publishing disseminating calls for papers, soliciting undergraduate contributions, locating peer reviewers, facilitating revisions with authors, and bibliographic and copywriting work. They will also gain a working knowledge of the UCSB Library’s online publication platform, which will host the journal. Students will utilize various digital humanities tools – podcasts, social media, websites – to promote the undergraduate research being published in Journal as well as host an annual showcase of scholars’ work.
Enrollment comments: This is part one of a two quarter internship. Students will earn 4 units total upon completion of HIST 196JA and 196JB. Use HIST 196JC to earn credit for journal participation beyond two quarters.
Instructor approval required prior to enroll.
View the course’s Canvas page or the instructor’s page for documents: Jarett Henderson   Schedule of Courses
Go to the Schedule of Courses on the Registrar's website to register or view scheduling information on all courses.