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Advanced Historical Literature: Europe


About the Course:

A reading course in a field of the professor’s specialty. Introduces the student to the sources and literature of the field in question. Written work as prescribed by the instructor. E. Europe.

For W22: This seminar will introduce students to recent literature on nations, nationalism, and empire in the Soviet Union.  Topics will include the evolution of Soviet nationality policy; ethnographers, censuses, and national classification; the Soviet state as a “maker of nations”; debates about empire and Orientalism in the Soviet context; the attempt to create a supra-ethnic “Soviet people”; migration, diasporas, and ethnic cleansing within the USSR; the fate of Russia as nation and imperial center; and the literature on race and racialization in the Soviet Union.



No pre-requisites have been entered for this course.


View the course’s Canvas page or the instructor’s page for documents: Adrienne Edgar   

Schedule of Courses

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