April Haynes (UCSB History PhD 2009) has won the 2016 SHEAR (Society for the History of the Early American Republic) book prize for her 2015 monograph, Riotous Flesh: Women, Physiology and the Solitary Vice in 19th-Century America (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015).
“Riotous Flesh …sets a new standard for how to study together black and white female reformers while ultimately recognizing how their ideas, tactics, and the resulting consequences necessarily diverged. April Haynes has produced a work of lasting influence that is distinguished for its novel and exacting research, brilliant analysis, sharp and engaging prose, and a keenly perceptive eye for historiographic debate.” — Martha Jones, author of All Bound up Together: The Woman Question in African American Public Culture (on behalf of the James Broussard First Book Award Committee).